The Bounty Museum

The Bounty Launch

Direct from the National Maritime Museum Cornwall, the exhibition Captain Bligh: Myth, Man & Mutiny, featuring a full-size replica of the Bounty Launch, has now found its home at the Bounty Museum.


This exhibition explores the true story of Captain Bligh and provides a compelling counter-narrative to the infamous Hollywood portrayal of the mutiny on HMS Bounty.


Discover the real man behind the myth, and delve into a historical adventure that challenges everything you thought you knew about this notorious event.

The Bounty Launch

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The Bounty Launch was first exhibited in the National Maritime Museum in Cornwall from the 17 March 2017 – 7 January 2018.

The Bounty Museum purchased the exhibit in 2020, and it made its way to the Island on July 2023. 

The Bounty Museum Norfolk Island

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The boat is as faithful a reproduction of the original Bounty Launch and was built in-house at the National Maritime Museum in Cornwall. 


This build was led by professional and accomplished boat builder Andrew Nancarrow, supported by trainee Boat Curator Ollie Crediton and Advanced Apprentice in Boat Conservation Reuben Thompson, and a small team of museum volunteers and students from Falmouth Marine School.


The Bounty Museum Norfolk Island

Open 7 days a week

10am to 4pm

Corner of Queen Elizabeth Avenue and Middlegate Road


Bounty Museum

P.O Box 69

Norfolk Island

NSW 2899

Phone: 53961

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